Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries

Invited talks

Vania Joloboff gave a talk in the series of the Distinguished Lecturers of the Computer Science and Engineering department at UC San Diego.

Jean-Pierre Talpin gave an invited presentation at the APAC 2016 Summit on Robotics at the HKSTP in Hong Kong https://www.apacinnosummit.net.


Vania Joloboff supervised work of Master student Daian Yue that was selected in the joint program between ENS Rennes and ECNU.

Jean-Pierre Talpin is the supervisor of Simon Lunel's thesis on "Timed contract algebras for correct by construction real-time system design".


Jean-Pierre Talpin served as examiner for the Ph.D. Thesis defense of Fatma Jebali on “Formal Framework for modeling and Verifying Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Systems”, September 12., in Grenoble.

Jean-Pierre Talpin served as referee for the PhD. Thesis Defence of Amani Khecharem on “Une approche de méta-modélisation pour la représentation multi-vues des architectures hétérogènes embarqués”, May 3., in Sophia Antipolis.